Me? a very happy wife and proud mom
MySelf? see above and I love adventure
My Kitchen? a place to loose myself in delicious way of great taste of an adventure.
Today's menu on the list are: Steam white rice, Chicken Soup, Tempe Bacem and Fried Chicken
Steam Rice:
3 cups of white Rice, wash until remove all the dirt, put it on your magic com bowl, add water approx 1 lt, and set cook on, wait until the magic com indicator move to warm.
Chicken Soup (Traditional way)
1 large chicken breast
2 carrots
2 potatos
500 cc water
white pepper
First, prepare your saucepan, boil water until boild and put the chicken breast, a slice of ginger and galangal, boils until the chicken breast tender (stir for a while and we remove all the meat from bones and shread the meat into bite size after this put back to the saucepan) and put potatos and carrot (chops), add bay leaves, a pinch of salt, a half tea spoon of sugar, whisk with your ladle, close the saucepan lid and reduce heat, taste correction and all set.
Tempe Bacem
1 large tempe, cut to 10 or more square pieces
a piece of galangal
5 pc of shallot
5 pc of garlic
2 bay leaves
1 cup brown sugar
1 tsp salt
500 cc water
Blend together shallot, garlic, salt with food processor - set aside
Boil water, add the blended ingredients, add tempe, brown sugar, bay leaves, and galangal, mix it and taste correction, cook until all the seasoning water runs out (almost), turn of the heat and stir the tempe.
Prepare the frying pan, add vegetable oil, wait until the oil heat up, put the tempe in deep fried for 5-10 minutes, stir it up and all set
Fried Chicken
10 cuts of chicken (approx, 1 kg of chicken)
5 pcs of shallot
5 pcs of garlic
a piece of galangas
2 lemongrass
2 lemon leaves
a piece of ginger
2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp sugar
Blend together shallot, garlic, salt and sugar (use food processor) - set aside
Prepare your saucepan, boil water and put blended ingredients, lemon grass, galangas, lemon leaves and taste correction if you need to add more salt or sugar, cook until the seasoning water runs out (almost) turn off the heat, stir the chicken - set aside
Prepare for deep fried the chicken for appox 5-10 minutes.
well, thats the menus for today, lets eat 😍
MySelf? see above and I love adventure
My Kitchen? a place to loose myself in delicious way of great taste of an adventure.
Today's menu on the list are: Steam white rice, Chicken Soup, Tempe Bacem and Fried Chicken
Steam Rice:
3 cups of white Rice, wash until remove all the dirt, put it on your magic com bowl, add water approx 1 lt, and set cook on, wait until the magic com indicator move to warm.
Chicken Soup (Traditional way)
1 large chicken breast
2 carrots
2 potatos
500 cc water
white pepper
First, prepare your saucepan, boil water until boild and put the chicken breast, a slice of ginger and galangal, boils until the chicken breast tender (stir for a while and we remove all the meat from bones and shread the meat into bite size after this put back to the saucepan) and put potatos and carrot (chops), add bay leaves, a pinch of salt, a half tea spoon of sugar, whisk with your ladle, close the saucepan lid and reduce heat, taste correction and all set.
Tempe Bacem
1 large tempe, cut to 10 or more square pieces
a piece of galangal
5 pc of shallot
5 pc of garlic
2 bay leaves
1 cup brown sugar
1 tsp salt
500 cc water
Blend together shallot, garlic, salt with food processor - set aside
Boil water, add the blended ingredients, add tempe, brown sugar, bay leaves, and galangal, mix it and taste correction, cook until all the seasoning water runs out (almost), turn of the heat and stir the tempe.
Prepare the frying pan, add vegetable oil, wait until the oil heat up, put the tempe in deep fried for 5-10 minutes, stir it up and all set
Fried Chicken
10 cuts of chicken (approx, 1 kg of chicken)
5 pcs of shallot
5 pcs of garlic
a piece of galangas
2 lemongrass
2 lemon leaves
a piece of ginger
2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp sugar
Blend together shallot, garlic, salt and sugar (use food processor) - set aside
Prepare your saucepan, boil water and put blended ingredients, lemon grass, galangas, lemon leaves and taste correction if you need to add more salt or sugar, cook until the seasoning water runs out (almost) turn off the heat, stir the chicken - set aside
Prepare for deep fried the chicken for appox 5-10 minutes.
well, thats the menus for today, lets eat 😍
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