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Showing posts from August, 2018

Soothing Tea

woke up in the morning and i felt slightly headache on my left side forehead, back on my eyes and my cheek, well that's what i called sinus headache, and what I read from some of reference, the symptoms of Sinus Headache more likely the same like what I experience this morning,,, Sinus pain is located in the sinus areas around your eyes, cheeks, and forehead   Sinus pain is often accompanied by bad breath, loss of smell, nasal congestion , or thick discolored mucus. Sinus pain usually follows a recent upper respiratory infection or a flare-up of your   alergies . Sinus headaches are more common in the morning , get worse when you bend over, and are aggravated by damp weather. Sinus headaches may be accompanied by fever, sore throat , and postnasal drip. well before I took medicine, i decided to have a soothing tea to reduce the pain on my sinus headace, I go to my kitchen, and Boil water (approx 3 glasses) and put a thumb size of ginger, and a sprinkle of cinnamon, ...

Good Quote for today

I found this quote and i love it,,, A strong Woman is one who feels deeply and loves fiercely Her tears flow just as abudantly as her laughter,,, A Strong Woman is both soft and powerful, She is both practical and spiritual,,, A Strong Woman is her essence is a gift to the world,,,

Me, Myself and My Kitchen

Me? a very happy wife and proud mom MySelf? see above and I love adventure My Kitchen? a place to loose myself in delicious way of great taste of an adventure. Today's menu on the list are: Steam white rice, Chicken Soup, Tempe Bacem and Fried Chicken Steam Rice: 3 cups of white Rice, wash until remove all the dirt, put it on your magic com bowl, add water approx 1 lt, and set cook on, wait until the magic com indicator move to warm. Chicken Soup (Traditional way) 1 large chicken breast 2 carrots 2 potatos 500 cc water salt white pepper sugar leeks shallot garlic ginger galangal First, prepare your saucepan, boil water until boild and put the chicken breast, a slice of ginger and galangal, boils until the chicken breast tender (stir for a while and we remove all the meat from bones and shread the meat into bite size after this put back to the saucepan) and put potatos and carrot (chops), add bay leaves, a pinch of salt, a half tea spoon of sugar, whisk with y...

Chocho Chips Cookies

It is good to start the day with good cup of Coffee and perfect Choco Chips to conquer the day. Yesterday afternoon, me and my girls have fun in the kitchen and do our adventure by baking our favorit cookies of all time,,, Choco Chips Cookies,,, If you want to try our recipe, lets start preparing the ingredients and lets start our adventure Ingredients: 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened (i used regular margarine) 1/2 cup granulated sugar 1/2 cup light brown sugar 1 large egg 1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 tsp baking soda 3/4 tsp baking powder 1 3/4 cup all purpose flour 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips  How to: In a large bowl or stand mixer, cream together butter and sugars until light and fluffy. Mix in egg and vanilla, followed by salt, baking soda and baking powder. Scrape bowl as needed. Mix in flour until fully incorporated and no streaks remain. Stir in chocolate chips by hand. Chill cookie dough for at least 2 hours or until it is thoroughly chilled...

Kue Curhat *Cucur Hangat

Semangat Pagi 😍 Sore ini rencananya mau bikin Kue CURHAT - Cucur Hangat kue favorit Pak Suami dan anak ku yang besar,,, kalau kata Pak Suami, kue ini mengingatkan masa kecilnya yang suka dibeliin sama mamanya di pasar tiap sabtu pagi,,, jadi ceritanya Bunna hari ini mau membawa Pak Suami mengingat masa kecilnya . Cek punya cek, Alhamdulillah semua bahan bakunya sudah lengkap di lemari stok, Tepung terigu ada, Tepung beras juga ada,,, Kalau sahabat-sahabat Bunna mau coba bikin,,, ini resepnya ya: Bahan Baku: 1. 115 gr Tepung Terigu 2. 135 grTepung Beras 3. 150 gr Gula Merah (Aren, Jawa) di sisir/serut 4. 1/2 sdt Garam 5. 2 Lembar Daun Pandan 6. 300 ml Air 7. 5 sdm Minyak Goreng Cara Membuat: Adonan Kering: > Tepung Terigu dan Tepung Beras, Garam diaduk rata Adonan Basah: > Didihkan Air, Daun Pandan, dan Gula Merah, masak sampai Gula Merah tercampur rata > Larutan Gula Merah diamkan sampai Hangat (Jangan Panas dan Jangan Dingin) Tuangkan Adonan Basah ke...

Tumis Brokoli

Semangat Pagi Penguasa Dapur,,, Malam Minggu ini karena edisi dirumah, jadi makan malam dirancang yang sederhana tapi rasa juwarah, Pak Suami dan Anak anak selalu jadi penggemar masakan bunna,,, Alhamdulillah pisan :)  Bunna malam minggu gini males dong masak yang repots, udahlah dari senin - jumat edisi repot, mau juga dong edisi wiken yang santai santai asoy geboy juga urusan dapurnya, So malam ini mari kita masak Tumis Brokoli ala ala,,, hmmm cek kulkas adanya: 1. Brokoli 2. Wortel 3. Sosis Ayam (merk champ*) hehe bukan iklan tapi adanya ini :) 4. Baso sapi sisa 5  Bumbu dapur andalan dapur bunna: 1. Bawang Bombay 2. Saos Tiram 3. Garam 4. Merica 5. Gula nahh siapin deh penggorengan,,, pertama masukkan minyak goreng 3 sendok makan aja biar kolestrol badan aman,,, setelah minyak dipenggorengan mulai panas, masukkan sosis + baso sapi yang sudah di iris-iris dong pastinya, kalau sudah agak matang dan wangi, masukkan bawang bombay dan masak sampai terlihat mu...